Wednesday, February 27, 2013

For the Record

I, Fidelbogen, believe that nobody deserves to get raped, no matter what they are wearing. 

And furthermore, I wish to wipe feminism off the face of the Earth. 

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

(Feminists, I know you want to say something here.  So step right up!)

And now, for an extra treat, read this news article, in the UK Daily Mail, about  the human rights of men:

You know, I can't help but wonder where that phrase "it's a human right" originated. Or more precisely, what inspired that choice of words in the present case at the present date. It's one of those things that makes you go "hmmm."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you just exposed feminism to the horrors of the existential void. Lol

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feminism recoils at the mere thought of a Fidelbogen.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT article and comments. I believe all feminists should be required wear wigs such as that British judge has so that we can identify them from a distance.

BTW, anyone wanting to a detailed portrait of a monster dressed as a soft spoken young woman, get on youtube and watch any of the prosecution of Jodi Arias... better than any crime show I ever saw, Arias reveals how a butcher can day after day put on her soft victim face while simultaneously doing everything she can to hamper the prosecution in court. I wonder if I being a man would ever get to resist questioning so much if I were in court, I'm thinking no. Anyways, it's instructive, how do women get away with soooo much, it's all there, she's clever but imo not intelligent, several huge miscalculations, it's starting to look as if the whole thing was actually premeditated. She made the trip from Cal. to AZ tried to cover her tracks by putting several 5 gal gas cans in car to avoid being seen at AZ buying gas... week after she killed him, she bought his aunt (who raised him) a bouquet of lilies... all pretense or sick joke? hell, she actually photographed his dead body, huge mistake not to throw away the camera disc though, that's how they caught her... recovered the 'erased' photos she took...

9:40 AM  

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