It's Official: The Genie is Out of the Bottle
Yes, the numbers are growing, and quickly. And there is a bit of a communication gap between the "new blood", and the old-timers who have been on the scene for years. The new ones are coming in so speedily it is difficult to get them up to speed, and their understanding of various discourses is sometimes half-baked, or embedded with bizarre novelties. One sighs, and chalks it up to "growing pains". A good kind of pain, to be sure, given that it signalizes growth.
Clubs, cells, committees, think-tanks, networks and activism groups are sprouting up like delicious mushrooms all across the landscape. These entities are sometimes aware of each other, and other times not. And while they certainly do make use of cyberspace, they are also moving into boots-on-the-ground mode. They are meeting up, face to face, in taverns and coffee-houses. They are hashing out ideas; they are drafting proposals; they are writing position papers. And in some cases, they are even making plans.
Yes, a social organism is under formation. Or call it a "voltron", if that metaphor suits your fancy. Whatever helps you to visualize and conceptualize things. The takeaway item of understanding here, is that this social organism is going ambient. It is all around, on every side. It is no longer a targetable point.
Oh, and male bonding. Let's not forget about the male bonding. That, too, is happening.
Labels: CF Memory Lane